The Health Source Advantage:
We began YHS in 2001 and now serve many locations. We organize and form groups of people buying food and other products to save time and money.
We are dedicated to offering you the best foods and health related information in the Metroplex. (Food comes mostly from CA, CO, WA, sometimes other countries (Central/South America), and sometimes from local sources; everything is USDA certified organic unless otherwise noted.) Give us time and we'll show you how to transform your budget (by saving you money on quality foods & products) and we'll help you achieve better health along the way. Many families realize significant savings by changing where they shop and changing what they buy. Plan to save money and time. . .we'll have your pre-ordered items ready for you on pick up day.
Giving Back:
We regularly help families with serious health challenges by offering discounts and by giving donations. If you would like to partner with us to sponsor someone, let us know! We would be glad to send the food to them via one of our locations.
Join or Form a group:
Feed your family nutritious foods, economically. Give yourself and your family a heritage of good nutrition and surround yourself with friends who do the same! Sign up today for Organic grocery delivery.
Visit our blog
Find healthy, kid friendly and family friendly, nourishing recipes
PLEASE NOTE: If your main focus is to choose local food over organic, you may have a hard time finding truly local food. Many of the Farmers Markets buy food that is shipped in from other states and from other countries, then resell it to consumers. Texas is not known for organic food. Things are changing though! Our goal is to bring in healthy organic food and to also support local organic farmers. 2020
- locally owned and operated
- high quality, low cost organics
- practical nutrition via blog and Youtube
- recipes and food storage tips
- tips on transitioning to a healthier diet
- in business since 2001
- fresh, USDA certified organic produce
- biweekly Tuesday, Thursday or Saturday pick up
- pick up in a neighborhood near you
- replacements for any quality issues
- 500+ dry goods & groceries available
- easy customer service through email

Organic Fruit and Vegetable Delivery, Co-op Style or To Your Door
Fresh produce delivery! Join or form a group and we will bring the food to you! Like having a Health Food Store delivered to your area.
Fresh, seasonal produce delivered to a local group . Our selection is comfortable & consistent – not too many of any one item - we keep it balanced! 4-5 organic fruits in every box along with 9-10 organic vegetables.
Our goal is to reconnect people with the single most powerful, overlooked key to enjoying better health: consume more quality, organic, fresh fruits and veggies!
4 to 5 organic fruits and 9 to 10 organic vegetables in every box